Jupyter Community Workshop:

Jupyter for Science User Facilities and High Performance Computing

11-13 June 2019Berkeley, California

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the workshop convenes in Shyh Wang Hall (Building 59) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Shyh Wang Hall is the home of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC). Participants are reminded to print their site access passes in order to enter LBNL.

On Thursday we convene at the Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS) in the Doe Library on the University of California Berkeley Campus.

Talks will be 30 minutes. Each day we'll have a round of lightning talks right before lunch, depending on interest. In the afternoon we will break into smaller groups for collaboration and hacking.


There's a Jupyter Discourse topic for the workshop: https://discourse.jupyter.org/c/jupyterhub/hpc-meeting-2019

Use the Discourse topic on breakouts to suggest breakout topics and at the start of the breakout time we will organize into groups for those. We need your input! Thanks!


MEETING: https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/378885368

Remote participation during the morning talks and lightning talks will be available, and we will be recording the talks and posting the slides here. The easiest way to give a talk using our A/V system at Building 59 is for the speaker to:

  1. Connect to Zoom from your laptop
  2. Do not join the meeting by audio
  3. Share your screen.

The A/V system has a Mac Mini that is dialed into Zoom, and the podium/room has a microphone system connected to the Mini so people can hear you talk through that.


At LBL we can have 2, maybe 3 breakout groups in room 3101 (please don't move the furniture though). On Tuesday we have 2 other large-ish rooms for breakouts (3049, 3104 and some rooms in 50B across the road). On Wednesday we only have 3049 and 50B rooms. There is also the cafeteria uphill (probably better after 1 PM) and lots of tables outdoors. If you need a much smaller room find one of the organizers and we can probably find something.

Tuesday, June 11

NERSC, Shyh Wang Hall (Building 59), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM: Talks (Rollin Thomas, Session Chair)

    8:30-8:45    Rollin Thomas, NERSC
                 "Welcome and Orientation"
    8:45-9:00    Fernando Perez, UC Berkeley & LBL
                 "Welcome and Keynote Introduction"
    9:00-9:30    Keynote: Michael Milligan, University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
                 "Jupyter is a One-Stop Shop for Interactive HPC Services"                 
    9:30-10:00   Rick Wagner, Globus
                 "Advancing Jupyter, Kubernetes, and Globus at ALCF"

10:00 AM to 10:30 AM: Break

10:30 AM to 11:30 AM: Talks (Rollin Thomas, Session Chair)

    10:30-11:00  Robert Rosca, European XFEL
                 "Jupyter for Reproducible Science at Photon & Neutron Facilities"
    11:00-11:30  Robert Nagler, RadiaSoft LLC
                 "Jupyter for Accelerator Physics"

11:30 AM to 12:00 PM: Lightning Talks (Rollin Thomas, Session Chair)

    1. Shreyas Cholia, LBL
    "Interactive Distributed Computing with Jupyter, IPyParallel and Friends"
    2. Ondrej Certik,
    "LFortran: Modern interactive LLVM-based Fortran compiler"
12:00 PM to  1:00 PM: Lunch

 1:00 PM to  2:30 PM: Breakouts I

 2:30 PM to  3:00 PM: Break

 3:00 PM to  4:30 PM: Breakouts II

 4:30 PM to  5:00 PM: Report from breakouts

Wednesday, June 12

NERSC, Shyh Wang Hall (Building 59), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM: Talks (Shreyas Cholia, Session Chair)

    8:30-9:00    Adam Thornton, LSST
                 "Tech Dive: Jupyter at LSST"
    9:00-9:30    Rollin Thomas, NERSC
                 "Jupyter Deployment at NERSC"
    9:30-10:00   Félix-Antoine Fortin, Université Laval
                 "Terraforming the Cloud to Teach HPC with Jupyter"

10:00 AM to 10:30 AM: Break

10:30 AM to 11:30 AM: Talks (Shreyas Cholia, Session Chair)

    10:30-11:00  Thomas Mendoza, LLNL
                 "Jupyter at LLNL"
    11:00-11:30  Daniel S. Katz, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
                 "Parsl: Enabling Interactive Dataflow in Jupyter"

11:30 AM to 12:00 PM: Lightning Talks (Shreyas Cholia, Session Chair)
    1. Lindsey Heagy, UC Berkeley
    2. Russell Neches, Joint Genome Institute
    "Demo and Request for Comments : A Magic for Dispatching Cells to Slurm."
    3. Richard Darst, Aalto University
    "GPUs can not be shared, but GPUs must be shared"

12:00 PM to  1:00 PM: Lunch

 1:00 PM to  2:30 PM: Breakouts III

 2:30 PM to  3:00 PM: Break

 3:00 PM to  4:30 PM: Breakouts IV

 4:30 PM to  5:00 PM: Report from breakouts

Thursday, June 13

BIDS, 190 Doe Library, University of California

 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM: Talks (Chris Holdgraf, Session Chair)

    9:00-9:30    Carlos Downie, LLNL
                 "VCDAT 2.0: Data exploration in the Jupyter ecosystem"
    9:30-10:00   Thomas Stitt, LLNL
                 "Integrating notebooks with an LLNL MPI Multiphysics Code" [ppt w/gifs]
    10:00-10:30  Marcos López-Caniego
                 "Exploring ESA astronomy science archives with Jupyter"

10:30 AM to 11:00 AM: Break

11:00 AM to 12:00 AM: Talks (Chris Holdgraf, Session Chair)

    11:00-11:30  Zach Price, ORNL
                 "HPC in the Browser That Your System Administrator Won't Hate"
    11:30-12:00  Jitendra Kumar, ORNL
                 "JupyterLab for the DOE Atmospheric Research Measurement Facility"

12:00 PM to  1:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 PM to 1:30 PM: Lightning Talks (Chris Holdgraf, Session Chair)

    1. James Colliander, University of British Columbia
    "Interactive Computing for Education and Research at International Scale"
    2. Yuvi Panda, Project Jupyter
    3. Michael Milligan, MSI
    "PEARC19 Panel on Jupyter in HPC"

 1:00 PM to  2:30 PM: Breakouts V

 2:30 PM to  3:00 PM: Break

 3:00 PM to  4:30 PM: Breakouts VI

 4:30 PM to  5:00 PM: Report from breakouts